August 1 We are so excited to be back on campus in September! Make plans to join us for our 12th annual First Priority Volunteer Training if you are wanting to serve on campus. If you have any questions, please feel free to message us.
July 29 Over the course of this school year, we will share with you how First Priority is making an impact. If you want to help us take the Hope of Christ to Every Student, we have 4 volunteer trainings coming up this next month.
July 16 Our First Priority Staff spent the weekend at Glorieta Camp teaming up with M3 Camp to equip, encourage, and empower students with the tools they need to share their faith.
June 29 A huge thank you to First Odessa KidsMin and Rebecca Robson for having First Priority be a part of VBS. These amazing kiddos raised $2,000 for us to continue to take the HOPE of Christ to every student in the Permian Basin. Thank you again!
Students Reaching Students 2023/24
Accomplish Great Things
I believe we can accomplish great things for God with your help. Would you prayerfully consider giving to First Priority as we continue to take the HOPE of Christ to every student? Please click: DONATE