Elementary Schools

40,000 Elementary Students

We desire to reach every student for Christ in the Permian Basin. There are 40,000 elementary students in our area. We are so excited to see God opening opportunities for us to add elementary school clubs to our middle and high school campus clubs.

What Is a FP Elementary Club?

Elementary clubs are an after school program that meets on school campus for 30 minutes. The program is approved by school administration and students attend only with parental permission.

Who Leads the Clubs?

Elementary clubs are adult led with adult volunteers who are certified and trained to minister to your children.

What Do We Do at Club?

We share the Good News Gospel with the students, using curriculum written specifically for them. Basically, we talk about Jesus!

Four-week curriculum:

    • Read It: Read and learn what Jesus said.
    • See It: See how His teaching changes us.
    • Live It: Find real ways to live out the truth with love.
    • Tell It: Encourage each other to tell others about Jesus.